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Oh, the Places You Will Go!

Happy Hump Day all! When I was 15yrs old, my mom began to travel with groups of her friends.  This was a big deal for my mom because she always talked about wanting to see…

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Breaking the Winter Rut

Happy Monday all! It’s no secret I dislike hate Winter.  The harsh cold saps all the energy right out of you.  I literally spend my days daydreaming about moving to Florida and leaving all the Winter…

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Style Inspiration: A Little Dash of Darling

TGIF all! I have to confess…I’m addicted to Pinterest. I can spend hours scrolling through various boards, pinning all kinds of things to my heart’s content.  During one of my Pinterest binges, I came across…

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My Favorite Personal Style Bloggers

Happy Hump Day! Alissa from Stylish Curves post 14 Plus Size Bloggers to Follow in 2014 got me thinking about my favorite style blogs. Each of these women have their own unique sense of style…

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Happy 2nd Blogoversary!!!

Happy Monday all! Today is my 2nd blog anniversary and I can’t tell you how much it means to me having you with me on my journey.  In 2013, my blog grew beyond my wildest…

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