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Showing Love….

Happy Valentine’s Day all! I hope everyone is enjoying their VDay (I’m still snowed in…ARGH!!!). I’ve come to learn that VDay is not only for couples but its a day to show love to family,…

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Stylish Layers

Happy Hump Day all! As Old Man Winter continues his strangle hold on the majority of the US (we’re getting hit with our NINTH snowstorm tonight!), keeping warm is my top priority. While it’s important…

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Skirting the Issue

Happy Monday all! Someone asked me recently if I ever wear pants. I replied “of course I do”. She responded “oh, because all I’ve seen you wear is skirts!”. Now I could look at that…

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Casual Friday: Creating Options

TGIF all! A few weeks a go, I was feeling really frustrated by the lack of stylish clothing for plus size women.  As an avid Pinterest follower, I’m constantly wishing the clothes I see on…

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My Life on Instagram

Happy Hump Day all! Unfortunately due ANOTHER Winter storm (this is the second one this week and a THIRD is coming Sunday!) , I had to scrap my outfit post for today.   I don’t…

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