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5 Things Im Loving Right Now

TGIF all! 1. Sleepy Hollow Next to NBC’s “The Blacklist”, “Sleepy Hollow” on Fox is my favorite new TV show of the year. The updated, modern take on the “Sleepy Hollow” story is refreshing and…

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Shining Through

Happy Hump Day all! Sorry I’ve been a little MIA these past two weeks.  I’ve been going through some personal issues that honestly I had been ignoring for years. It’s very easy to put up a facade of being okay…

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Party Time!

Happy Monday all! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday weekend! I spent Thanksgiving with my family in New York and we had such a good time hanging out together.  I haven’t been feeling…

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Giving Thanks

Happy Hump Day all! Thanksgiving is easily my favorite holiday of the year. Why? Because for me there is nothing like spending the day with my family. Growing up, I wasn’t close to my siblings…

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Casual Friday: Work In Progress

TGIF all! I gotta be honest, I’m not feeling my outfit today. Being casual is always a struggle for me because I’m so used to dressing up everyday. Does this sound silly? I’ve seen other women (such…

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