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Casual Friday: Moto, Moto!

TGIF all!

As you have probably seen in the latest fashion magazines, leather motorcycle jackets are on trend for Fall.   It’s  funny how old standbys suddenly become a trend.  I mean when has leather NOT been appropriate for Fall and Winter?  I bet if you think about it, you’ve been rocking leather since you were a kid!  In college I saved enough money from my part-time job to finally get a leather jacket.  I remember instantly feeling like a bad ass when I slipped it on.  I would strut across campus to class in my jacket.   I wore that poor thing until it was coming apart at the seams!  Since then I havent come across a jacket that made me feel that way until now.     This ASOS Curve moto jacket (which I’ve been eyeing since last year)  makes me feel  cool and edgy (something plus size women  40+  are not supposed to feel!).    The jacket is very soft  not stiff so you don’t feel constricted.  It’s roomy enough that I can wear layers underneath once the temperature start to drop.   I plan on wearing it with everything because there is nothing more versatile than a black leather jacket.   I couldn’t wait until our mini heat wave ended yesterday so I could wear it today!

Are you going to hop on the  motorcycle jacket “trend”? If so, how would you wear it?

Have a wonderful weekend!  

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Jacket: ASOS Curve

Skirt: SWAK (Sealed With A Kiss)

Shirt: Eloquii

Shoes: Nine West


Casual Friday: Until We Meet Again

TGIF all!

I can’t believe the end of the Summer is already here (well unofficially)!  It just  seems like yesterday we were celebrating its arrival.  And while Fall is one of my favorite seasons, it ushers in cooler temps and shorter days which makes me very unhappy.  So today I’m bidding adieu to Summer in a colorful casual Friday outfit.  See you next year Summer!  

Have a wonderful  Labor Day weekend!

curvy women, curvy girls, curvy, curvy black women, color blocking, plaid, old navy, ashley stewart, plus size blazers, crop pants, plus size crop pants, nine west, suede shoes, blue suede shoes, 40+ bloggers, 40+ blogs, plus size blogs, plus size bloggers, natural hair, african american women

curvy women, curvy girls, curvy, curvy black women, color blocking, plaid, old navy, ashley stewart, plus size blazers, crop pants, plus size crop pants, nine west, suede shoes, blue suede shoes, 40+ bloggers, 40+ blogs, plus size blogs, plus size bloggers, natural hair, african american women

curvy women, curvy girls, curvy, curvy black women, color blocking, plaid, old navy, ashley stewart, plus size blazers, crop pants, plus size crop pants, nine west, suede shoes, blue suede shoes, 40+ bloggers, 40+ blogs, plus size blogs, plus size bloggers, natural hair, african american women

Blazer: Ashley Stewart

Pants: Avenue

Shirt: Old Navy

Shoes: Nine West

Weekend Edition: MJ Forever

Happy Monday all!  I hope everyone had a great weekend!

On Saturday night I went to a Michael Jackson-Prince dance party.  As you can see from the pics I was clearly Team MJ all the way! I was in middle school when “Thriller” was released. My sisters grew up with MJ and the Jackson 5, so they handed down their  love of his music to me.  I remember crowding around the TV with my older sisters screaming  during his “Motown 25” performance.  Even though it drove my mom completely nuts, we would blast his music and dance around the house.   MJ’s songs always transport me back to those days that I hold dear to me.   So on Saturday night, I danced to celebrate MJ’s music and all those wonderful childhood memories.

What is your favorite MJ song?

Have a great day!

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Shirt: Old Navy

Vest: Old Navy

Skirt: Target

Shoes: Steven by Steve Madden

Accessories, Accessories, Accessories!

Happy Hump Day all! Hope you had a great weekend! Im still recuperating from my vacay and will tell you all about it on Friday! Until then, today’s guest post is from the wonderful Parker of Everyday Runway 365! I hope you enjoy her post! 

Hello Grown & Curvy Women! My name is Parker Simmons & I am the creator of fashion/beauty blog Everyday Runway! My mission is to inspire women of all ages to embrace their bodies, accent their style and make the world their personal runway. I’m both flattered and thankful that Georgette invited me to stop by to share my love of accessories with you.

Accessories are such a critical part of any fashion ensemble. You can totally transform your look by simply changing your shoes and bag. For the sake of not being super long winded, I am going to focus on jewelry for this particular post. If you ever pop over to my blog, one thing you will notice is that I have an affinity for unique, statement necklaces.

I love to stand out! I have absolutely no boundaries when it comes to statement necklaces and love to work with designers that offer unique pieces. I am a high/low girl, which means I Prada on down to Good Will.  With that being said, I want to tell you about 2 of my favorite necklace designers that I wear most frequently. First up is Atlanta based designer Rean Fisher.

Whenever I need something that’s truly ostentatious & ridiculously over the top, I always give Rean a call. Her collection, Enjeanious by Rean Fisher is a combination of copper wire and stones intricately combined together to create breathtaking, one of a kind pieces. I typically wear her runway pieces or something that is custom created for an ensemble that I am wearing. Rean’s pieces make you feel so amazing. All eyes will be on you because unless someone else is wearing one of her pieces, there will be nothing like it in the room. If you want a guaranteed showstopper, she is definitely your go-to designer. A Rean Fisher original doesn’t come cheap, but boy is it worth it!

With Celebrity Hairstylist Jason Griggers on FNO 2012

 Finally, a collection that is not quite as bold, but still just as beautiful is Cayetano Legacy Collection. Founded by 3 first generation Filipino American sisters, Cayetano Legacy offers a broader range of pieces that are hand created by female artisans in the Philippines. The pieces are absolutely gorgeous, and are something that I wear almost daily. They are bold enough to be noticed, but not completely over the top.

The Cayetano Legacy Collection is also affordable, offering a broad range of prices for their beautiful hand crafted accessories. They have a strong following, but their pieces are produced in small batches so you more than likely won’t see yourself walking around. Also, due to the use of natural stones, all of their pieces have their own unique quality and are like wearing mini-masterpieces.


Whether you are going to work or out to play, don’t be afraid to make a statement. Rock it with confidence and embrace your own personal style. If you don’t love you, know well else will. Until next time, “Be Confident, Be Fabulous, Be Passionate and most of all make the world your personal runway!”

See you on the front row-

<3 Parker S.

Casual Friday/Big Deal

TGIF all!

One of my readers Jagoda suggested I do a post on shopping for deals.  Honestly I really don’t have any strategy or plan when it comes to shopping. I only buy clothing that is on sale with (or without) a coupon. Signing up for text alerts from your favorite retailer is another way to keep up with sales and saving passes.  The alerts have discount codes that can be used at the register.  Macys and Lane Bryant provide this service for customers and more are getting on the bandwagon.   I also find that end of the season sales have a plethora of clothing options.  You might have noticed lately Summer clothing is being steeply discounted to make room for the Fall collections.   If you are an online shopper like me,  before I click the purchase button I search for coupon codes.   The two sites I use are Coupon Cabin and Retail Me Not.  Ive used their codes and saved money and sometimes (depending on the promotion) got free shipping!

Speaking of getting a deal, the pants Im wearing today I got from Macys a few weeks ago while visiting my sister in NYC. Retail these pants were priced at $120 but I got them for $32!  How you ask? In the store, the pants were on sale for  $75 but online the pants were being offered for $32.  I called Macys and asked if they would price match and I was told if I brought in proof of the online price they would. I took the screen shot of the webpage on my cell phone to the store and they gave me the online price.  Just by simply asking, I ended up saving a whopping $88 on these pants! Now that’s what I call a deal!

What are some of your tips on shopping for deals?

Have a wonderful weekend!

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Pants: Michael Kors

Shirt: Old Navy

Belt: Eloquii

Shoes: Nine West