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30+ Style Collaboration: Pantone Colors for Spring

Happy Hump Day! When I was asked by Joi from In My Joi to join her 30+ Style Collaboration along with other wonderful bloggers, I jumped at the opportunity. The collaboration aims to show plus…

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Spring Trends to Wear Now…Pastels

Happy Monday all! How was everyone’s weekend? Great I hope! As you can see, I got a new haircut and color! I made the decision to retire my mohawk on Friday and luckily my hairdresser…

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Spring Trends to Wear Now…Black & White

Happy Hump Day! After I finished my last post I realized that the three trends I wrote about (florals, black & white and pastels) could be worn now with a few modifications (i.e. tights).  I…

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3 Trends To Try This Spring

Happy Monday all! With Spring arriving in the next 3 weeks (HALLELUJAH!) a new crop of trends have popped up.  I like trends, so I usually pick two or three that I like to try…

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Casual Friday: Midi Mania

TGIF all! First I want to thank everyone who submitted suggestions in my last post. I meant so much to see how many people have taken interest in my blog.  So again… thank you! Finding…

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