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Pretty in Pink

Happy Hump Day all! Half the week is over already! Only two more days left til the weekend! Woo hoo! When I first wore these pants (here), I didn’t know what to wear with them.…

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Daydreaming Takes Me Where I Want To Be

Happy Monday all! Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. I took full advantage of the the warm weather and hung out with my goddaughter Skylar on Saturday. We had fun eating ice cream and being…

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OOTD Courtesy of Glamour!

TGIF everybody! I can’t wait to get out this weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather. Do you have any plans for the warm weekend? Last night while watching “Scandal” (which is AWESOME!!!) I was flipping…

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Chasing the Clouds Away

Happy Hump Day everyone! How is your week going so far? Mine hasn’t been too bad. I’m looking forward to the weekend and the gorgeous weather that has been predicted. For the past couple of…

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Yes the Easter Bunny Likes Obama

Happy Monday everybody! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and fantastic Easter. I was invited to tag along with one of my closest friend and her son to attend the White House Easter Egg…

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