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Maxi Summer

Happy Hump Day all! One of my favorite summer items is the maxi dress. The maxi dress is so versatile and comfortable. Add heels and a fun clutch and you have a date night outfit…

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My First Interview!!!

This is a quick post to share my FIRST interview on 40+Style! Sylvia was kind enough to ask me to be interviewed about dressing for curves.  I’m so grateful for the opportunity to do this. It has…

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Tuxedo Love

Happy Monday all! I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day yesterday! When I saw this Bespoke white tuxedo jacket from Simply Be it was love at first sight! Armed with my 40% off coupon…

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Saturday Fun

Happy Mothers Day everyone!!! Since the weather was gorgeous yesterday, I spent the day hanging out with my godchildren Alex and Skylar. It’s been a blast watching them grow into sweet kids. They have me…

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Casual Friday/Two in One

TGIF everyone!!! Hope you have great plans for the weekend. The weather here in Philly is supposed to be beautiful so I plan to take advantage of it! In keeping with my promise to dress…

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