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Spring has Sprung!

Happy Hump Day everybody! Since the weather has been AMAZING my spirits have totally lifted. It feels wonderful to walk in the sun without shivering from the cold or worrying about snow storms. Spring is…

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All Mixed Up!

Happy Monday all! Hope everyone had a great weekend. Can I tell you DST is kicking my butt?!!! I was an hour late for work this morning! Hopefully I’ll adjust to the time change by…

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Feeling Springy!

TGIF all! Hope everyone has great plans for the weekend! When I left the house this morning it was cold again…ARGH!!! Winter had returned overnight with a vengeance. Although the weather bummed me out, I…

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Have You Ever….

Happy Hump Day all!!! Hope your week so far has been treating you well. Mine has. I had an impromptu girls get together last night and had a ball! Thanks Shoshanna & Shondrika for such…

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Say Yes!

Happy Monday all! I hope everyone had a great weekend. My weekend was wonderful! I got to meet the cutest little girl in the world (Emma!!!) and hung out with new friends. Plus my godson…

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