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FFWeek 6/14/12 Pt. 2

In the early evening, FFFWeek continued with a fashion show at Bloomingdales. Since the two main fashion shows were sold out, this was the only fashion show I attended (bummer!) The show highlighted designers like…

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FFFWeek 6/14/12 Pt. 1

Happy Monday all! Last Thursday I had the pleasure of attending my first Full Figure Fashion Week! I have SO much to show you that one post will not be enough! I attended the Building…

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And the Winner of the Simply Be Tuxedo Jacket is….

Tanisha !!! I want to thank everyone who entered my first giveaway! I’m currently in NYC for Full Figure Fashion Week.  I’ve had such a wonderful time and met so many great people.  I wanted to…

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Going Native

Happy Hump Day! The great thing about trends is that you can pick and choose one that works for you. I’ve been eying the tribal print trend for a while but couldn’t find a piece…

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Pretty Peplum Pt. 3

Happy Monday! It’s rare that a trend comes along that has me falling head over heels in love. Peplum has done this to me. I have to restrict my purchases because if I had it…

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