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Casual Friday/Rainbow Bright

TGIF everyone!

This morning  I woke up to a cloudy, dreary day.  To add further insult to injury, the weather reports are predicting that  Hurricane Sandy will make landfall early next week! UGH!  A cranky  Georgette is not a good Georgette (LOL!)  so wearing this vibrant outfit  was just what I needed to lift my spirits.  As you probably have noticed, I love color.  There is something about putting on a brilliant hue that  instantly makes me feel better. Instead of having a scowl on my face this morning, I was smiling.  Sure I got a few  “what the hell is she wearing ”  kind of stares on the train platform  but I didn’t care.  All I know is that I felt good and in the end that’s all that matters!

What are some of the ways you improve your mood?

Have a wonderful evening!

Pants: Simply Be

Blouse: Gap Outlet

Blazer: Calvin Klein

Shoes: Nine West

Necklace: Lord & Taylor

You Aint Nothin But A Hounddog

Happy Hump Day all!

Confession time, I didn’t know there was anything such as dogstooth.  I’m assuming its the  half-brother/sister of houndstooth being that the latter gets all the attention. Either way, when I saw this dogstooth pencil skirt on Simply Be’s website with 50% off, I had to make it mine.  Pairing the skirt with red seemed like a natural choice although  I could see myself wearing a cobalt blue with it in the future.   I wanted to add some  “edge” up my look so I wore my faux leather jacket from Kohls to “toughen” it up  (Me tough?! Ha! I still sleep with a night light! ). If the jacket looks familiar to you, I wore the green one here.  Lets just say, I’m slightly enamored with the jacket  🙂

I want to thank all of  you for your wonderful and encouraging  comments on my previous post “Change is Gonna Come”.  This might sound a little corny, but I feel closer to you ladies after reading your responses.  Again thank you for being the BEST readers in the world!!!

Are you a fan of dogs/houndstooth?

Have a great evening!

Skirt: Simply Be

Blouse: Ann Taylor Loft

Jacket: Kohls (here and get an additional 10% off with TENBLOG; this code can be combined with other Kohls codes)

Necklace: Lord & Taylor

Wedges: Bandolino

Bracelet: H&M

Print for You!

Happy Hump Day all!

So about two weeks ago, I bought my first pair of printed jeans. At first I was SO scared to buy them because a) I’m 40 b) aren’t printed jeans for young gals? c) my booty! Despite my misgivings, I tried them on anyway and you know the rest of the story! We shouldn’t allow concerns about age and others perceptions to stop us from having fun with fashion. You should have a pair of sexy jeans for date night or hanging with the girls. Printed jeans can be worn as casually as colored ones. Its all about how you style it!

So who is gonna join me and get a pair of printed jeans?!

Have a wonderful evening!

Printed Pants

T shirt




Printed jeans
$56 –

Its Hard to Say Goodbye

TGIF all!

Since today is the last day of summer, I wanted to say goodbye by wearing a fun, colorful outfit.  This summer I took my love for color to new heights and wore combinations I wouldn’t have dared to try last year.  I was bolder and more creative with my clothing choices. Heck I even posted a  picture of myself in a bathing suit !

So farewell summer, Ill see you again next year!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Buh Bye!

Cardigan: Old Navy

Pants: Avenue (here on SALE!!!)

Shirt: Ann Taylor Loft

Flats: Libby Edelman

Necklace: Gap Outlet

Bracelet: NY & Co.

Walking on the Wild Side

Happy Hump Day all!

I have a confession to make… I’m obsessed with leopard print!   From shoes to skirs to sweaters, you name it I got it!  I know this  print can be scary for some but I’m here to tell you there’s  nothing to fear!  The items below can easily be added into your wardrobe.   You can wear leopard print from the supermarket to the office, it’s all about how you incorporate it.  Try mixing a leopard print top with red, black or cobalt blue jeans. Add a cardigan to a black dress or wear a trench with your jeans and t-shirt to instantly update your look.  If you’re looking to try something new this fall,  give leopard print a whirl!   

Have a wonderful day!

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