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Why Size Inclusion Matters

TGIF all! While at my local Target earlier this week, I happened to wander over the women’s  section (like I always do!) to check out the latest clothing.  I was  pleasantly surprised to find a variety…

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Break The Rules

Happy Monday all! As women we’re often being told what we can and cannot do.  Plus size women are constantly reminded of our “limitations” because of our size. What if we as women decided to…

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What’s In Your Make Up Bag?

TGIF all! Im not a beauty guru but I thought for the new year I’d start talking about some of my favorite beauty products.  Like most of you, I’ve gone through several brands to find…

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Going Solo…Again

Happy Monday all! As I start making my travel plans for the year,  I know one of my destinations will  be another solo trip. While the idea of solo travel is wonderful, I struggle with it.…

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We Gon’ Be Alright

TGIF all! I’d be lying if I said the incoming administration doesn’t scare the heck out of me.  I’m worried about the policies and laws that will impact communities of color, Muslims, women and LGBTQ rights under…

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