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Velvety Smooth

TGIF all! When people usually think of velvet, images of grandma’s curtains probably pop in their heads.  While velvet has gotten a bad rap, this seasons crop of new offerings will definitely change that.  From…

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Suggestion Box

Happy Hump Day all! From time to time I like to get suggestions on what my fabulous readers would like to see in the coming months on the blog.  Your input helps me to develop…

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No Season Required

Happy Monday all! Fall is usually characterized by dark, rich colors but that doesn’t mean you cant still inject fun prints into your wardrobe.  Bold, colorful pieces don’t have to be worn only during the…

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Get On Track

TGIF all! When athleisure first became a thing, I wasn’t a fan of it.   I thought it would be like trucker caps and go away quickly.   Funny thing is athlesiure didn’t go away and somehow…

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Get Wild

Happy Monday all! It seems like Mother Nature missed the memo about Fall’s arrival. Despite the un-Fall like weather, there are several new trends I plan to try this season.  Then there are the Fall…

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