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Weekend Confidential

Happy Monday all! Weekends mean a lot  to me.  It’s my time to relax, run errands and socialize.  During the weekends I don’t want to wear anything fussy unless I’m going out or have  an…

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Change Is Gonna Come

Happy Monday all! Lately I’ve been feeling a little stuck  about various aspects of my life. I know there is more that I could do with my life but I’ve grown complacent and stagnant. To…

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Easter In Your Closet

Happy Thursday all! As someone who is on a budget, spending money on a new outfit for Easter was just not in the cards this year. Instead of being frustrated by this I decided to…

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Trench Twist

Happy Monday all! I’m always skeptical when a brand promises that they will offer their clothing lines in plus sizes.   Unfortunately when the line drops I’m often frustrated to see that the really cute, trendy…

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4 Trends to Try This Spring

Happy Spring everyone! Although the weather outside is still frightful, Spring officially arrives at 12:15pm today.  As y’all know Spring is my favorite time of year and like other seasons, there are new trends that…

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