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Black & White

Happy Hump Day all! While I love color, there is something about black and white is hard to deny.  Separately they can serve as the base to build an outfit but put them together and…

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Weekend Edition: Summer Rewind

Happy Labor Day all! I hope everyone is enjoying the three day holiday weekend so far.  I’ve been spending this holiday enjoying not doing one darn thing! To me, lazy weekends are the best! Now…

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Casual Friday: Until We Meet Again

TGIF all! I can’t believe the end of the Summer is already here (well unofficially)!  It just  seems like yesterday we were celebrating its arrival.  And while Fall is one of my favorite seasons, it ushers in cooler temps and…

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5 Things Im Loving Right Now

Happy Hump Day all! 1. ASOS Biker Jacket: I’ve been eying this jacket for a while now and it will be in my closet for Fall.  I’ve never owned a leather jacket before so I’m really…

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Weekend Edition: MJ Forever

Happy Monday all!  I hope everyone had a great weekend! On Saturday night I went to a Michael Jackson-Prince dance party.  As you can see from the pics I was clearly Team MJ all the…

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