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I'm Georgette a 43 year old curvy woman living in the City of Brotherly Love & Sisterly Affection (Philadelphia) seeking to show other plus size divas that WE too have style and do not need to compromise our integrity to look good. I realize there are so many other women like me who have struggled in this area, and decided to blog my journey. So welcome to my blog and has no AGE or SIZE!

Posts by this author:

Dress Love: Blogger Edition

Dress Love: Blogger Edition View Post

Midi Love: Blogger Edition

Midi Love: Blogger Edition View Post

Casual Friday: A Few of My Favorite Things

Casual Friday: A Few of My Favorite Things View Post

30 Plus Style: Cutting It Short

30 Plus Style: Cutting It Short View Post

Casual Friday: Free Your Mind

Casual Friday: Free Your Mind View Post

White Hot…Leather?!

White Hot…Leather?! View Post

Beat The Heat

Beat The Heat View Post

Casual Friday: Graphic Love

Casual Friday: Graphic Love View Post

Full Figure Fashion Week 2014

Full Figure Fashion Week 2014 View Post

What To Wear During Full Figure Fashion Week!

What To Wear During Full Figure Fashion Week! View Post

Just Can’t Get Enough

Just Can’t Get Enough View Post

30 Plus Style: The Swimsuit Edition

30 Plus Style: The Swimsuit Edition View Post

Casual Friday: The Purge

Casual Friday: The Purge View Post

The Long and the Short of It

The Long and the Short of It View Post

Beating the Summer Heat

Beating the Summer Heat View Post

30Plus Style: The $30 Challenge

30Plus Style: The $30 Challenge View Post

Long Weekends

Long Weekends View Post

Casual Friday: Wash, Wear, Repeat!

Casual Friday: Wash, Wear, Repeat! View Post

Why So Serious?

Why So Serious? View Post

Little Heel, A Lot of Style

Little Heel, A Lot of Style View Post